May virtual mini and October in-person 2-day retreats
Dear ones,
Sarah Arthur and Sophfronia Scott are excited to announce important updates about our in-person Madeleine L’Engle Writing Retreat this fall! Mark your calendars for ALL DAY Friday and Saturday, Sept 30-Oct 1 at Wisdom House in Litchfield CT, mere miles from MLE’s beloved Crosswicks. Madeleine herself regularly led retreats there, with its lovely chapel, grounds, accommodations, and meals, and they are happy to host this first-time event!

Illustration by Sarah Arthur
On-site housing will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to register for the May 7 “Madeleine Morning” virtual mini writing retreat (10 AM – 2 PM) to be among the first to receive the fall registration link. There will also be a commuter option.
Facilitators will include MLE’s granddaughter Léna Roy, retreat co-directors Sophfronia Scott & Sarah Arthur, plus others as registration numbers allow.
The fall retreat is very close to the publication date of A Book, Too, Can Be a Star, a picture book biography of Madeleine by Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Jennifer Adams, and we hope to share a sneak peek of this beautiful book.
Stay tuned. Any questions about the retreat can be directed to: