Dear Ones, November 29 is Madeleine’s birthday and to celebrate we’ve launched a Red Bubble store for Madeleine merch. It’s a work in progress and we hope to add more designs and items, but for now, there are five designs on a variety of products. Two to highlight: Stay Angry. Profits from this design will […]
“With the Compliments of the Publisher” An author’s perk with each new book is a box of them arriving on the doorstep “with the compliments of the publisher.” I still remember the thrill opening my ten copies of Hudson River Catastrophes, Contests and Collisions thirteen years ago. In the Franklin’s kitchen one afternoon in summer […]
Dear Ones, Sarah Arthur and Sophfronia Scott are hosting a series of three “Madeleine Mornings” mini-retreats on select Saturdays over the next 12 months. These virtual mini-retreats are designed to spark insight, foster connections, deepen your reading, and lend structure to your writing and spiritual life. On select Saturdays via Zoom from 10 AM to 2 […]
A Tour of the Tower, Part Two by J. Thomas Allison Given an empty space the size of a two car garage, sloping walls with headroom of 7 feet, Herb Gubelman worked his creative magic. When you ducked so you wouldn’t hit your head, you found yourself in a most comfortable room. On your […]
A Tour of the Tower, Part One by J. Tomas Allison Every writer needs a designated sanctuary separate from the hurly burley. For Madeleine in Goshen it had been the old pantry as I described in the previous blog. When the family moved back to New York, she found that sanctuary …literally…in the […]
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