Entries by Charlotte Jones Voiklis

Why read fantasy and science fiction?

by Jessica Kantrowitz Dear Ones, I’ve all but given up reading non-fiction lately. I’m too saturated with reality, too overwhelmed with a never-ending news cycle that keeps my mind in fight-or-flight mode constantly. There are so many good writers right now grappling with questions of faith, trauma and healing, parenting, social justice, and racial justice, […]

Katherine Paterson’s moving keynote address at Walking on Water: The Madeleine L’Engle Conference

Dear Ones, Katherine Paterson gave a moving keynote address at the November 2019 Walking on Water conference. She talked about her writing process, what it means to have readers, and Birdie, the protagonist of her latest novel, still awaiting publisher’s edits. She moved the audience (and herself) to tears, and reminded us, as Madeleine said, […]